Interpersonal dynamics of

residential solar adoption


Most research on residential rooftop solar panel adoption characterizes the adoption decision as a one-time choice made by a single person. This perspective overlooks the interpersonal dynamics that often characterize such decisions. Specifically, in multi-occupant households, which account for 72% of U.S. households (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023), the decision to adopt solar is not made by a single individual at a single moment in time, but rather by multiple people through the process of multiple conversations over time. Uncovering these interpersonal dynamics is critical to more accurately modeling solar adoption decisions. Insights can be used to guide marketing and outreach efforts.

Research goals

(1) Characterize the interpersonal dynamics involved in the decision to adopt solar

(2) Evaluate how interpersonal dynamics influence solar adoption decisions

(3) compare dynamics across adopters and non-adopters

Project phase

Data collection is complete. We are in the process of analyzing data and writing up results for publication.

Funding acknowledgement

This project is supported in part by IGS Energy