As an environmental psychologist, I investigate individual-level behavior and decision-making pertaining to sustainable consumption with an emphasis on energy contexts. I frequently work in interdisciplinary teams in which I model consumer behavior in response to engineering-related advances, such as electric cars. Conceptually, my research focuses on three questions that can inform behavior-change efforts:

  1. How do identity and individual differences shape consumer responses to sustainable innovations?

  2. What roles do cognitive biases play in consumer responses to sustainable innovations?

  3. How do sustainability-related conversations among multiple consumers (e.g., in a household) impact behavior?

Current Projects

  • Let’s Talk About It: The impacts of interpersonal dynamics on consumption choices

  • SCE3P: Decision sequencing to end end-of-life plastics

  • Emotional processes in pro-environmental behavior

  • The influence of gender on EV adoption

  • Interpersonal dynamics of solar adoption